Defeating Thextera
Note: You must be at least level 4. Go to the Sandsea and look at the board that contains information for all the hunts. After choosing the "Thextera" hunt, talk to Gatsly, who should be east of the board. He should be sitting on the floor. After talking to him, go into the Westersands. Do not look for Thextera just yet. First, defeat all the wolves in the area. If you fight Thextera without clearing out the wolves first, he will call for backup, and the wolves you have not defeated will come to his aid. After all the wolves have been killed, fight Thextera; he should have two wolves by his side. Try to take them out first by luring them away from Thextera. After they are finished, you will only have Thextera to fight. Make sure you have a decent amount of potions before you fight him -- his fang attack does about 120 damage.