
Final Fantasy 12

Recommended Gambits

1. Ally: Any / Raise
2. Ally: HP < 40% / Curaja
3. Ally: Any / Esunaga
4. Ally: Status = Confuse / Attack
5. Foe: Status = Haste / Dispelga
6. Self / Bubble
7. Self / Decoy
8. Foe: Flying / Telekinesis
9. Foe: Party Leader's Target / Attack
10. Foe: Targeting Ally / Attack
11. Self / Libra
12. Ally: Any / Regen

Try the following Gambits:

1. Ally, Any / Raise
2. Ally, HP<30% / First Aid
3. Foe, Party Leaders Target / Attack
4. Foe, Flying / Telikises
5. Foe, Undead / Curaga
6. Ally, Any / Ensna
7. Ally, Any / Protecta
8. Ally, Any / Shella
9. Ally, Any / Reflecta
10. Foe, Any / Oil
11. Foe, Status: Oil / Firaga
12. Self / Libra

Try the following Gambits:

1. Ally status = KO / Arise
2. Ally HP = 50% / Curaja
3. Self MP = 10% / Charge
4. Foe status = Protect / Dispelga
5. Foe status = Shell / Dipelga
6. Foe Fire-weak / Firaga
7. Foe Lightning-weak / Thundaga
8. Foe Ice-weak / Blizzaga
9. Self / Bubble
10. Self / Haste
11. Self / Float
12. Self / Libra

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