Chapter 21: Beginning of the End - Glitch
An alternate way of finishing the car level is to ram Viktor's car off the road and steal it, sounds eaisier than it is. Best way is half way through the car mission there are a whole bunch of pillars to the right side of the road, slam into him pushing his car between two of the pillars and it will get stuck. Then just steal his car, four people will get out and you can just run them all over. Viktor will not die he just keeps getting up again. Now just drive the car to the end of the level to finish it or take it for a spin as it's invincible now and never stops. Viktor is also invincible now when he is out of the car but if he does get killed by the police everything goes wierd and you can drive through walls. I have done this twice now but it is really hard to get Viktors car to stop long enough to steal it but it can be done.