
Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider Cheats...

  Ghost Rider Walkthroughs

   Beating Lightning...
   Classic Ghost Rider...
   Defeat Blackheart...
   Extreme Mode...
   Ghost Rider 2099...
   Inifinite Link Charge...
   Inifinite Spirit...
   Turbo Mode...
   Ultimate Ghost Rider...

Beating Lightning

This requires plasma charge. An easy way to beat Lightning is when she says "Come my children" or when she says "Kill him!"

After monsters climb on the train, she should come down to be vulnerable. Attack the boss with the plasma charge, then when you have your spirit gauge full, she will make rake lightning across the train.

Keep up the attack pattern and when she says "My power is gone", you can approach and press the L1 button to finish her.


Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Classic Ghost Rider

Beat the game on Extreme Mode.

Defeat Blackheart

To kill blackheart you will need the white hot shotgun and the plasma shotgun combo. you have to dodge his attacks, and when he slams one of his hands down, shoot it with the white hot shotgun. when his head is on the ground, attack him with the plasma shotgun combo. Then, he will attack again, so stay in the center as much as possible because he will eventually destroy both chunks of building on the left and right sides. wait until he slams one hand down, then repeat the process.

Extreme Mode

Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Ghost Rider 2099

Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Inifinite Link Charge

Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Inifinite Spirit

Beat the game on Easy Mode.


Beat the game on Easy Mode.


Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Turbo Mode

Beat the game on Easy Mode.

Ultimate Ghost Rider

Beat the game on Easy Mode.


Beat the game on Easy Mode.

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