
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Button Codes

Enter these during gameplay and not on the pause menu:

Restore Armor - R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Restore Health - R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Light Weapon Variation - R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Medium Weapon Variation - R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
Heavy Weapon Variation - R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down
Remove Wanted Level - R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
Increase Wanted Level By Two Stars - R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Reduce Health By Fifty Points - Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1
Make Certain Female Pedestrians Follow You - Circle, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, Circle, Triangle
Change Into A Random Pedestrian - Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right
Become Ricardo Diaz - L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2
Become Lance Vance - Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1
Become Candy Sxxx - Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2
Become Ken Rosenberg - Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1
Become Hilary King - R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2
Become One Of The Love Fist Members - Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X
Become One Of The Other Love Fist Members - R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R2, Left, X, Square, L1
Become Phil Cassidy - Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, Right, Circle
Become Sonny Forelli - Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X
Becomes Mercedes Cortez - R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle
Weather Is Rainy - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
Weather Is Foggy/Misty - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
Weather Is Extremely Cloudy - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
Weather Is Cloudy - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
Weather Is Normal - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down
Create A Rhino Tank - Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Create A Bloodring Banger Variation #1 - Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left
Create A Bloodring Banger Variation #2 - Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2
Create A Hotring Racer Variation #1 - R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Create A Hotring Racer Variation #2 - R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2
Create A Romero's Hearse - Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right
Create A Love Fist Limo - R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Create A Trashmaster - Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Create A Sabre Turbo - Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left
Create A Caddie Golf Cart - Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
Destroy All Cars - R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
Erratic Drivers - R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2
Cars Are Pink/Purple - Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle
Cars Are Pitch Black - Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle
Slow Gameplay - Down Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1
Speed Gameplay - Up Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square
Invisible Cars - Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1
Cars Hover - Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1
Boats Hover - R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle
Great Handling - Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Speed Up The Game Clock - Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Slow Down The Game Clock - Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1
Pedestrians Randomly Fight Each Other - Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
Pedestrians All Fight You - Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
Any Four Wheeled Vehicles Drive On Water - Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2
Some Cars Get Bigger Wheels, Some Cars Accelerate Extremely Fast, Some Cars Can Ram Like A Truck, And Some Cars Get Nothing At All - R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square

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