
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Terroritail Tank

The easiest way to gain terrority in los santos. Is to use a tank, because the hardness will very on what gang your are fighting. They go from complete wimps, to full blown born killers. To get the tank you need to be able to get into Las Venturas. This done by completing the main story missions. First you get San Fierro then you get Las Venturas. There's a army base south of the Verdant Meadows Airstrip. It's a safehouse you buy for $80,000. You get a special flying craft for completing the missions for the Verdant Meadows Airstrip. I ain't saying it's name cause it'll ruin that part of the game for you. This what I used to get into the army base and take the tank. Then take back to the airstrip and put into the airplane garage. Then go save this will get rid of your wanted level. Then go to Santa Maria beach in Los Santos with the tank. The safehouse there is only one I found big enough to hold the tank so that you can get back in and take the tank out. I don't remember how much the safehouse is. After you got the tank in the garage and saved. Go to one of the areas in Los Santos with the tank that you can start a gang war in. You can find out by bringing up the the map. Once in an area look for gang members in groups. There mostly in packs of three. Once you find a group exit the tank. Make sure they are and you are in the area you want to start a gang war in. Then kill the gang members and once the game tells you that you started a gang war get back in your tank. And then you just run them over till you kill them all and win the area. Don't use the canon to kill them you have a much better chance of not getting a wanted level if you just run them over. And by holding R1 down you can make the tank do some very sharp turns.

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