
Herdy Gerdy

Herdy Gerdy Cheats...

  Herdy Gerdy Walkthroughs

   Cheat Mode...
   Over The River...
   Secret 1 Option...
   Secret 10 Option...
   Secret 11 Option...
   Secret 12 Option...
   Secret 13 Option...
   Secret 15 Option...
   Secret 17 Option...
   Secret 18 Option...
   Secret 19 Option...
   Secret 2 Option...
   Secret 20 Option...
   Secret 4 Option...
   Secret 5 Option...
   Secret 6 Option...
   Secret 7 Option...
   Secret 8 Option...
   Secret 9 Option...
   Stop Gromps From Chasing You...

Cheat Mode

To activate CHEAT MODE go to the title screen: L2, L1, L2, L1, UP, R1, R2, R1, R2 then the screen will fade and come back. next go to the options screen and there will be new options.

Over The River

To get over the river on the level when you see a pink thing, just climb the hill and go to the waterfall, jump in it a number of times, you should end up over the water.

Secret 1 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Gerdy's Hut level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 1 option (Gerdy concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 10 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Pirates Cove level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 10 option (wireframe animation) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 11 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Skrags Nest level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 11 option (background concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 12 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Elven Wood level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 12 option (Gerdy wireframe animations) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 13 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Forest Glade level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 13 option (box art concepts) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 15 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Crystal Lake level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 15 option (wireframe animations) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 17 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Crystal Lake level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 17 option (unused level concepts) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 18 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Foxtown Bridge level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 18 option (concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 19 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Foxtown Docks level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 19 option (concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 2 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Meadow Village level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 2 option (development FMV sequences) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 20 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Tournament Island level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 19 option (Sadorf concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 4 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Beaver Creek level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 4 option (unused level designs) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 5 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Moonlit Peaks level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 5 option (concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 6 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Goldmine Gorge level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 6 option (Gerdy concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 7 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Belders Spring level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 7 option (Concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 8 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Belders Spring level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 8 option (Concept art) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Secret 9 Option

Collect 100 Bells in the Ancient Temple level, then give the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village. The Secret 9 option (Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness screenshots) will now be unlocked at the extras screen.

Stop Gromps From Chasing You

When a Gromp is chasing you, jump in to a pen. The Gromp will stop chasing you.

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