
Hobbit, The

Beating The Three Spider Sisters

In the last section of the level "Flies and Spiders", you will be required to kill the three huge spiders before moving on. This is enormously difficult and is probably the hardest level in the video game. However, here is how to complete the stage. After you free the dwarves, kill the approaching spiders and slide down the rope. Make mush of any immediate enemies, and try to go through the opening in the wall. A queen spider will block it with her web, making your escape impossible. Kill her by hacking with your sword or walking stick. When she is done, another sister will start harassing you. Get the fire rocks nearby and throw them at her. She will dissolve in about ten hits, leaving a string of courage points in her wake. The last spider is difficult. Hit her with freezing stones, then lash out when she is immobilized. You will finish the level to explore more amazing adventures!

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