
Jak 3

Jak 3 Cheats...

  Jak 3 Walkthroughs

   All the orbs in the game...
   Crazy Peace Maker...
   Damas and Jak...
   Easier Hero Mode...
   Easy Gameplay...
   Easy Timed Challenges...
   Easy unlimited health,ammo,lig...
   Easy win on Hang Time challeng...
   Fire in first person mode...
   Glitch: Undead Daxter...
   Golden Armor Dark Jak...
   Hoverboard/Daxter glitch...
   Infinite Flying...
   Infinite Light Flight...
   Jak Stats...
   Jak's New Clothes...
   Light eco weapon...
   Light Jak's Shield Glitch...
   More precersor orbs...
   No Fall Damage...
   Orbs (after Light Jak's wings ...
   The Ultimate Attack...
   Tricks to get orbs...
   Two Wastelanders fighting...
   Water leaper?...

All the orbs in the game

This cheat is very easy all you need to do is get the fastes car then go to the desert. When you have done that all you do is find a mission in it and get the easy one or the one you will win 100%. Then beat it and you will get 4 or more orbs. Do the same mission and you will keep geting ords no mater what!

Note: Before performing this cheat, beware that it can spoil the game. Thanks go out to Michael O'Dowd for bringing this under our attention.

Crazy Peace Maker

When you're Light Jak, use Flash Freeze and charge up the Peace Maker. The Peace Maker shot should then blink, change size, etc.

Damas and Jak

Note: This code can spoil your game. When Damas is trapped underneath the dozer when you get to the palace ruins, he will tell you who his son is. It is Jak, but Damas calls him Mar. The legendary Mar is thus none other than Jak.

Easier Hero Mode

On any mode,including level select mode,while you are in game,pause the game,and press the following 7 commands: UP, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, UP. You will have everything, infinite Light Jak, infinite Dark Jak, All Abilities, Infinite Ammo,Infinite health,etc.

Easy Gameplay

Finish the game and buy all cheats in the "Secrets"shop. Then buy the hero mode and start one new game in hero mode.

Easy Timed Challenges

You can use Light Jak's time freezing ability to slow down the clock during challenges while you move around at normal speed.

Easy unlimited health,ammo,light jak etc.

Do all of the challenges in Spargus and Haven city and a few in the desert and you should have enough orbs to get invulnerabilty, infinite ammo, light jak and dark jak. You should pick light jak first so you can use the stop time ability. Then do hero mode and the cheats will still be active.

Note: this is easier/can only be done when you finish the game.

Easy win on Hang Time challenge

In the mission when you must get a high hang time. In stead of doing it the standard way by using jumps in your buggy, get out of you buggy and use the mass invertor it will get you an automatic gold in total hang time (you may have to use the gun more than once) and single hang time.

Fire in first person mode

After gaining access to the Peacemaker, charge the shot. While still charging, press R3 to enter first person view. While in first person mode, release the button to fire the Peacemaker. This causes you to shoot while in first person view. Additionally, charge the Wave Concussor all the way up then press R3. You will still be charging the Wave Concussor in first person mode, and can still fire if you release the fire button.


In a place where the walls are close to eachother equip the blaster 2nd mod and press: X Square and R1 and now it looks like fireworks!

Glitch: Undead Daxter

I could not believe it when this happened. What you do is that when your Daxter at the lava place,get right on top of those fire ball things. Jump off right when the fire ball hits you.if done correctly Daxter should still be on the rope thing even though all his life is gone.

Note: If you get hit again you die. Cool huh?

Golden Armor Dark Jak

Go into a dark eco generator and turn into Dark Jak. Then turn invisible by pressing triangle. (if you bought that secret)
Dark Jak's armor should look gold, his skin will look purple and his jetboard will look like a box.

Hoverboard/Daxter glitch

Go to any place you can ride the hoverboard. As soon as you press R2 to get on the hoverboard, start doing a 360 front-flip.(You should flip before you hit the ground.)Normally, Daxter is on the hoverboard with you, but if you did this correctly, Daxter should still be on Jak's shoulder but crouching and acting like he's on the hoverboard. While he's like this, you can grind and do a certain flip, and he'll stay on Jak's shoulder. But if you do a complicated flip, Daxter will fall back on the hoverboard.

Infinite Flying

To use infinite flying flap your wings at least once than quickly tap O and flap again (I recommend Infinite Light Jak) keep doing this to fly forever. People also call it "Glitch Flying". This will take lots and lots of practice, I didn't even master it yet! This also helps you make alot of glitches, too. (To master Glitch Flying try tapping O at different speeds).

Infinite Light Flight

This glitch happens because light shield terminates a combo. To exploit it, Simply use Light Flight, then immediatley Light Shield, Light Flight, Light Shield, etc. You can gain an infinite amount of altitude (height) with this glitch, and go over walls or through some ceilings.

Jak Stats

Here are the stats for each Jak.


Run: 2
Attack: 3
Jump: 4

-Dark Jak-

Run: 1
Attack: 4
Jump: 4
Dark Bomb: 6
Dark Blast: 5
Dark Invisibility: 0
Dark Strike: 5

-Light Jak-

Run: 2
Attack: 3
Jump: 4
Light Regeneration: 0
Light Shield: 9
Light Flash Freeze: 6
Light Flight: 0

* Note: Dark Invisibility & Dark Invisibility
(while Dark Jak, press triangle cheat at secret
shop) are the same.

Jak's New Clothes

Simply obtain all 600 Precursor Orbs to obtain different colored clothes for Jak. The message, "Congratulation! You found all 600 Precursor Orbs. Enjoy Jak's stylish new duds," will appear on the screen to confirm this.

Light eco weapon

1.Complete the game and purchase unlimited light jak and the unlimited ammo

2.Select one blue weapon and shot

This is a funny tip.

Light Jak's Shield Glitch

As Light Jak (I think you should have Infinite Light Jak for this) keep on tapping O until your shield comes on while your spinning, (must stand still) then stop when your shield is on but you're not holding O. Good news is you can use the Morph-Gun and your wings and anything in normal play while the shield is still on. Bad news is that it looses it's effect so it doesn't protect you.

More precersor orbs

First, beat the game then WITHOUT buying hero mode collect about 400 orbs then start hero mode. After you start hero mode ,beat that game then find 200 (or more) of the 400 you have found then buy all the items there you have it.

No Fall Damage

To eliminate the damage incurred from falling a long distance, simply kick in mid-air right before you touch the ground.

Orbs (after Light Jak's wings are aquired)

In Spargus city, go to the building that has a ladder in between it, and climb the ladder. In the middle of the buildings there should be a pipe with an orb on it, double jump towards it then get on your jetboard and grind (square) and then jump and grind at the spots with no rail and eventually you should land on a building with a bridge linking the two building and lots of orbs. then at the higher level of the building with orbs, use Light Jak's wings to fly up there then take the orbs as desired. Thank you for reading this long cheat!


Note: This code can spoil your game. When go down into the catacombs where the palace used to be, once you get to the core you will be at the planet's defense system. After talking to one of the Light Precursors, the doors in front of you will open. You will then see that the Precursors are really Ottsels like Daxter. They just made up the big and powerful statues because they were very small.


Haven City or in the Spargus city, you get to do races for rare precursor orbs. Instead of using a vehicle for these races, walk! If you have the Light Jak power of time-freezing, it also freezes the time portals. It will take longer, but half way through, you would have stored up enough time to just car-jack a hover car or hop onto a lizard and stroll through the rest of the race with no worries.


These can be bought in the Secret Menu

Effect - Code

Audio Commentary - 5 Precursor Orbs after buying scene players 1-3
Bad Weather - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Big Head Mode - 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Blaster Damage Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
Dark Jak Invisibility - 25 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Fast Movies - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Hero Mode - 5 precursor orbs, after finishing the game
Increased Blaster Gun Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
Increased Peace Maker Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19
Increased Scatter Gun Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
Increased Vulcan Fury Ammo Capacity - 4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Invulnerability - 100 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Jak 3 Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Jak And Daxter Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Jak II Model Viewer - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
Level Select: ACT 1 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 1
Level Select: ACT 2 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 2
Level Select: ACT 3 - 5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 3
Mega Scrap Book - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Mirror World - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Peace Maker Increased Radius - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19
Rachet And Clank Gun Courses - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-12
Scatter Gun Rate-Of-Fire Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
Scene Player Act 1 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1
Scene Player Act 2 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2
Scene Player Act 3 - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3
Scrap Book - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
Slow Movies - 5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Small Head Mode - 3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Toggle Jak's Goatee - 2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
Unlimited Ammo - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Dark Jak - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Light Jak - 50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
Unlimited Vechicle Turbos - 30 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
Upgrade Vechicle Toughness - 15 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-14
Vulcan Fury Damage Upgrade - 6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17

The Ultimate Attack

I call this attack "The Ultimate Attack".

First equip Beam Reflector then press square-cross-square-circle+R1

You might have to practice some time before it works.

Tricks to get orbs

When u get the dune hopper and stop at the place with the thin tunnels use the hoverboard (later when you get the hoverboard and dunehopper then come back) and go near the right/left rock and than do the super jump and then do the flip forward trick and then walk on feet then get the first orb and jump spin to the right/left to get the next orb and repeat and done there should be about 5,4,3 or more depends on how u play the game.

Two Wastelanders fighting

Go into the Wastelander City and shoot one of the Wastelanders. They will begin to shoot at you. Quickly run behind another Wastelander, and the one you shot will continue trying to shoot you, causing him to shoot the one that you are hiding behind. They both will begin shooting each other until one dies.

Water leaper?

This cheat is pretty simple. All you have to is buy invulnerability in the pause menu. Then go to the wastelands. There, go into the city and find a leaper. Go to the ocean inside the city and make your leaper jump into the water. You can run around above the water without being harmed by the octopus. If you get of the leaper(in the middle of the ocean) the octopus will pull you down.

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