
King of Fighters 2002/2003, The

King of Fighters 2002/2003, The Cheats...

  King of Fighters 2002/2003, The Walkthroughs

   Gallery items...
   Hidden Team Ending...
   Unlock characters: 2002...
   Unlock characters: 2003...

Gallery items

Win one round of S-Survival (single) mode against each character to unlock individual character art in the gallery menu.

Win one round of T-Survival (team) mode against each team to unlock the team ending sequences in the gallery. Note: Defeating Kyo, Chizuru, Adel and Mukai will unlock the usual intermission sequences that occur before and after fighting them.

Hidden Team Ending

If you play through arcade mode with the Mukai path, you willl get an ending cut-scene if you used one of the ten pre-set teams. However, there is yet another ending if you select the "Sacred Three" team: Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru. Should look familiar to older fans of KoF. Beat Mukai, and kick back with the destined trio.

Unlock characters: 2002

Defeat Rugal in Team Attack mode.

Defeat Rugal in Single Attack mode.

Beat level 30 of Time Attack and hold R1 over Rugal on the select screen.

Beat level 40 of Time Attack and hold R1 over Billy on the select screen.

Riot Iori
Beat level 20 of Time Attack (hold R1 over normal Iori to select).

Unlock characters: 2003

Adelheid Bernstein
Defeat Adelheid in any mode (Hold R1 over Iori to select).

Defeat Mukai in any mode (Hold R1 over Kyo to select).

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