The road to isengard walkthrough
Run through the early paths getting used to blocking and countering, and using those spells.There will be archers on the sides along the path so just blast them down with a well aimed shot. Whenever you see a wagon, shoot at it from a distance as it explodes making your life a lot easier. The first main challenge is the grove where you have to kill 75 orcs goblins and uruk hai to go on, mind out for the ents as they dont register what they're about to trample. Along the path you will see towers in the distance, shoot the wagon directly underneath them to destroy them. the last task is to help an ent release the river by killing any orcs that come near you and shooting any orc archers that appear on the other side as they shoot flaming arrows wich sets the ent on fire slowing down the proccess. when that is finished then you can go on to minas tirith top of the wall.