Choose your draft class
After you have finished your season in franchise mode, it will ask you to advance to owner mode off season. Hit yes and then do all your normal staffing and pricing and stadium upgrades and what ever you want to do, then save your game. After you have saved your game advance to the 2nd version of the offseason, scroll down to team info. or stats and info. , i honestly can't remember what it is called but i believe it is 6 clicks down. Click on that and select NFL draft preview, there you can look at the incoming draft class without having to wait for half an hour while the game updates roles and free agency. you can also clear your cap penalties, it takes down your team morale and prestige but if that extra cap room can get you better players to win with then you will be fine. In order to do this go to the same screen as view NFL draft class and there should be an option that says team info. , click on that and hit the circle button and it will clear your dreaded cap penalties.