Cheat Codes
Here are codes for each X game
X1 : 441 2176 4423: all weapons, 4 sub tanks, health upgrades, and all bosses beat
X2 : 1462 3327 6488 3246: Start at X - Hunter level with all weapons, 4 sub tanks , health upgrades, and all Zero parts
X3 : 1454 3535 6162 7162: Start at final stage with all weapons, 4 sub tanks, health upgrades, all ride armor, and golden suit
X4 : purple Mega Man X: Highlight X and press O, (x2) Left, (x6) hold L1 + R2 and press Start
Black Zero : Highlight Zero hold R1, Right, let go of R1, hold O and press Start.
( If you are purple X, Dr. Light will scatter different power - ups )
X5 : Ultimate Armor X : highlight X and press Up (x2) and Down x9. If you want a Black Zero, press Down x2 and Up x9
( If you are B. Zero, you have stronger attacks )