
Monster Hunter

Defeating the Yian Kut Ku

If you are an Archer, lure the Kut Ku into area 7. Kill the Velociprey and climb onto the ledge. It cannot hit you, but you can kill it easily. This works best with Crag shots. If it runs away just lure it back in.

Note: This trick is for Gunners only. To defeat the Kut Ku, take 99 normal level 2 bullets go to Zone 7. Kill all the Volociprey and wait for the Kut-Ku if it isnt already there. When it appears, paintball it. Look around to find a ledge. Go to it and climb up. Go so that you are facing with your back turned to the wall. The Kut Ku should follow but will not able to get to you if you remain there. Keep shooting it in the head and eventually it should die.

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