
NCAA Football 08


Press Select at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding pennant.

Password - Effect

Fumble - 2004 All-Americans #273
For - Blink, referee spots the ball short for opponent
Registering - Boing, opponent drops more passes
With EA - Butter Fingers, opponent fumbles more often
Tiburon - Crossed The Line #205, QB can pass the line of scrimmage
EA Sports - Cuffed #206, you cannot throw interceptions or fumble
Touchdown - Extra Credit, 4 point interceptions, 3 point sacks
In The Zone - Helium #208, more catches likely
Turnover - Hurricane, your team's pass rush improved for one game
Impact - Instant Freeplay, 5 downs instead of 4
Heisman - Jumbalaya #211, Get points when your players are injured
Sideline - Kicker Hex #229
Game Time - Molasses, increases your opponent's fatigue for one game
Break Free - Nike Free, improve ability to break tackles for one game
Hand Picked - Nike Magnigrip, better chance your players will intercept
No Sweat - Nike Pro, improve your QB's accuracy for one game
Elite 11 - QB Dud #219
Gridiron - Steel Toe #221
NCAA - Stiffed #222
Upset - Super Dive #223
Football - Take Your Time #224
Offense - Tough As Nails #226
Defense - Trip #227
Blitz - What A Hit #228

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