Over the Hedge Cheats...

All levels
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, SQUARE.
All moves
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter TRIANGLE, O, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, SQUARE, O.
Always Power Golf
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE.
Earn more hp
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter TRIANGLE, O, TRIANGLE, O, SQUARE, TRIANGLE.
Earn More Hp
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter TRIANGLE, O, TRIANGLE, O, SQUARE, TRIANGLE.
Extra damage
During gameplay, pause the game. Then hold down L1 and R1, then enter Triangle, O, Triangle, O, Triangle, Square.
Unlock All Levels
While your playing go to the pause menu, hold L1+R1 and type in Triangle, O, Triangle, O, O, Square.
Unlock Attack: Finishing Moves
Complete 20 Objectives.
Unlock Attack: Ground Pound
Complete 50 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Bumper Carts 1
Complete 15 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Bumper Carts 2
Complete 45 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Race Track 1
Complete 25 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Race Track 2
Complete 60 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Range Driver 1
Complete 10 Objectives.
Unlock Minigame: Range Driver 2
Complete 40 Objectives.