
Ratchet and Clank

How To Get The RYNO

To get the all powerful RYNO (rip ya a new one) go to the 5th planet. When there, go across the water to a box (it should be North- East from your ship) and go through the rooms. There are tricky guys here, including multiplying blobs and tanks that shoot gas. Get to the end of this part and jump onto the taxi that says "press triangle to go downtown." It will take you to a place that looks like New York City. There are more tanks and blobs and guys you will have seen before. These are guys in suits that have a spray gun. But they're not all that bad, because if you don't get in their way, they will actually exterminate the blobs! Wait for them to do this and then kill them. In this small area there is a guy who doesn't attack you, but offers you a RYNO for 150,000 bolts! If you don't have the cash (I didn't!), get the cash! And then come back and pay up. He'll hand it over. The RYNO is a huge military weapon that fires many homing missiles at a time. One shot takes up one ammo and the ammo costs 25 bolts each! It holds up to 50 ammo at one time and when the guy gives it to you it has 25 ammo. You can later destroy the Snargle Beast at the end of the level "Captain Quarks HQ" with the RYNO.

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