
How to defeat the impossible challenge

You need the RYNO 2 and mega rocket launcher and ultra tesla barrier. You will only need RYNO 2 in the first 59 rounds and the mega rocket launcher in the last you equip you re self with the ultra tesla barrier all the time if the barrier fades wait until the next cage match or normal and then you equipt it again the Tesla barrier fades whenever it change for cage match to normal or normal to cage match. Simply destroy everything you see with the RYNO 2 after each round look for ammo boxes. in about 6 rounds you will have a cage match. Look around for ammo boxes whenever a cage match finishes. id you are not wasteful after each cage match you will only use around 20 ammo. In the last round (round 60) use the mega rocket launcher. You wil face the megapede. The rockets from a RYNO 2 may not be fast enough to hid the megapede since it move around so quickly. when you hit one of its segiments it will fall off and fire at you. use RYNO to finish the sgeiment.

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