Daria's Doom
If you have the spell Silence Daria this will be a piece of cake. When you start the fight, morph into a more powerful form then cast the spell "Silence" so she can't use Mind drain or Minor healing. If you don't beat her right off the bat re-cast silence when it wears off.
Debug Mode and God Mode
Enter the debug mode code at the title menu, a green dot in the top-left of the screen will confirm correct entry. During gameplay on the player 2 controller press Square repeatedly to select the species and press Circle to select level of species, then press X to transform. God mode will give Aleron infinte health, infinite magic and unlock all spells. It must be entered on the second controller during gameplay after entering the debug mode code at the main menu.
Effect | Code
| - Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, R2.
| - L1 + L2 then R1 + R2 then L1, L1 then R2 + L2.