
Underwear and Golden Spatulas

The first pairs of underwear can be found on top of SpongeBob and Squidward's house. Hit the buttons between SpongeBob and Squidward's house and Patrick and Squidward's house. Get on Patrick's house and jump on the moving platform. Get the underwear on Squidward's house and jump on the following platforms to Spongebob's house. The spatula is there.

The second ones are on the police station and Shady Shoals. Stand on the pressure plate by the police station and Bubble Bowl the button. A trampoline will appear and you will have forty seconds to get them. Jump on the trampoline, and before you get on the blocks, turn back to where the Tikis are located. You will see the pants in the chimney. You should have about thirty-three seconds to get on the blocks and get the spatula on top of Shady Shoals.

The third pair O gold are on the Chum Bucket and Krusty Krab sign. Go to the right of the Chum Bucket and scroll the view until you see three buttons. Cruise Bubble the buttons and again jump on the trampoline. You should be able to get both before the buttons unpress.

The last spatula is in the Chum Bucket. Go to the red vent by the door. Do the wall jump thing like in the Mermalair.

If you have lost at least one pair of underwear go behind the Chum Bucket. There should be a pair of underwear here.

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