
This Is Football 2002 Cheats...

  This Is Football 2002 Walkthroughs

   Africa All-stars team...
   All Time 22 and all Superteams...
   All-Time teams...
   America All-stars team...
   Asia All-stars team...
   Credit FMV sequence...
   Credit FMV sequence:...
   Double pass...
   German League All-Stars team...
   Leister Square Pitch...
   Mascot teams ...
   Schoolyard Pitch...
   Semi Pro Pitch...

Africa All-stars team

Win the Africa Cup to unlock the Africa All-Stars at the team selection screen.

All Time 22 and all Superteams:

By winning the Super Team Championship in World Class mode.

All-Time teams

Get 48 pennants in campus challenge mode to unlock the All-Time teams.

America All-stars team

Win the America Cup to unlock the America All-Stars at the team selection screen.

Asia All-stars team

Win the Asia Cup to unlock the Asia All-Stars at the team selection screen.

Credit FMV sequence

Win the Timewarp Cup to unlock an option for the game's credits at the main menu.

Credit FMV sequence:

By winning the Timewarp Cup you will unlock an option for the game's credits at the main menu.

Double pass

Push X, X while playing to a nearby teammate.

German League All-Stars team

Win the German League to unlock the German League All-Stars at the team selection screen.

Leister Square Pitch

Win the European Cup to unlock the Leister Square Pitch at the stadium selection screen.

Mascot teams

Get 70 pennants in campus challenge mode to unlock the Mascot teams.

Schoolyard Pitch

By winning the Jumpers 4 Goalposts trophy in World Class or Master Class mode you will unlock the Schoolyard Pitch at the stadium selection screen in exhibition mode.

Semi Pro Pitch

By winning the World Cup in World Class mode you will unlock the Semi Pro Pitch at the stadium selection screen in exhibition mode.

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