
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown Cheats...

  Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown Walkthroughs

   Mission tips...
   P.E.C mode specialist rewards...
   Various Codes...

Mission tips

Always shoot hinges or locks instead of blowing them because it is quieter. Always crouch behind objects and make sure that your squad is with you shooting or you will easily die. Shoot through car windows, as they are a useful shield.

P.E.C mode specialist rewards

Combat Medic
Starts with: Pistols, Sub-Machine Guns, First Aid
Level 5: Adrenaline Boost
Level 10: Light Armor
Level 15: Nerve Gas
Level 20: Feild Clinic
Level 25: Shotguns
Level 30: Free Gas Mask
Level 35: Medium Armor

Starts with: Pistols, Assault Rifles, Toughness
Level 5: Medium Armor
Level 10: Heavy Weapons
Level 15: Grenadier
Level 20: Ballistic Shield
Level 25: Heavy Armor
Level 30: Enhanced Recovery
Level 35: Recoil Control

Starts with: Pistols, Shotguns, Electronic Keycard
Level 5: Light Armor, Traps
Level 10: Hacking
Level 15: Medium Armor
Level 20: Deploy Turret
Level 25: Sub-Machine Guns
Level 30: Firewall
Level 35: Demolition Expert

Spec Ops
Starts with: Pistols, Submachine Guns, Surveillance PDA
Level 5: Sensor Jammer
Level 10: Light Armor
Level 15: Assault Rifles
Level 20: Medium Armor
Level 25: Knife Attack
Level 30: Adv. Heat Sensor
Level 35: Critical Hit


The following can be purchased from the [Special Features] menu.

Points - Effect

10 Intel Points - Art: Part I
10 Intel Points - Art: Part II
10 Intel Points - Art: Part III
10 Intel Points - Art: Part IV
650 Intel Points - Cheat: Increased Force
900 Intel Points - Cheat: Invisibility
600 Intel Points - Cheat: One Hit Kills
550 Intel Points - Cheat: Unlimited Ammo
550 Intel Points - Cheat: Unlimited Items

Various Codes

These cheats can be purchased from the "Unlockables" menu with Intel Ponts. Activation: Pause during gameplay, and go to the options screen. There should be an option that says "Enter Cheat Code". Enter the given code here. If done correctly, the code will automatically be cleared, and the name of the activated cheat will appear on the list to the left.

Effect - Code

Unlimited ammo - Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right
Increased force - Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down
Fast movement - Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right
Ghost mode - Up, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down
Invisible - Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up
One shot kills - Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left
Unlimited items - Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down

Note: Repeat a code to disable it's effect.

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