
Single player Botmatch survival and fighting

Use the following tactics to stay alive longer in a battle and get a good number of kills and points before you die. Always set your Inventory to Medium Armor and guns to Spinfusor, Chaingun, Missile Launcher, and the Blaster. Save the Blaster for last -- since it runs on jetpack fuel, you have unlimited ammunition for it. Next, set your Pack to Repair Kit. When injured badly, hide in a mountain pit on the sides and use this to regain energy, then continue your assault. It also makes for healing your Base Turrets and Sensors. Set your Grenades to Flares (in case Heat Seeking Missiles target you or a fellow teammate. Set your Vehicle to Fighter, since it has agility, powerful Twin Heavy Blasters, and is easy to control. Now that you are set up for battle, get to an Inventory Station. Get equipped, then get to the Vehicle Station and hop into your Fighter. You are ready for combat. Use the following tricks for a better chance of a successful assault. Use your Fighter to fly over there, shooting at any enemy target that you see. Get to their base, and if a Heat Seeker starts to lock on to you, quickly land your jet somewhere safe. Get to the top of a mountain where you have a good view on their base and they can see you. Stealth is always the key to survival. Do not blow your cover. Stand there, use your lock on, and shoot at targets. To increase your chances, locate their main Sensors and Base Turrets and destroy them. If there is no one in your way and you are feeling lucky, try to make a run for their base. Get in there and take out their generators to slow them down a lot more. Then, get back to your hideout, making sure no one is following or watching you. The AI opponents will not remember where you respawn. If you are playing online, get in your fighter and break back for the base, because you will survive too much longer.

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