
Ultimate Spider-Man

Completing Electro chase with Venom

Stay as close to Electro as possible. When he is about to do his large electric ball attack, do a super jump into the air. Stay on top of buildings for the most part and only go to the ground when you have to feed. Try and feed when Electro is near the ground, readying his large electric ball attack, as he is not moving at that point. Just stay far enough away so the attack won't hurt you. When Electro goes to the top of buildings, wait on the building below him and out of the way of the attack. Also, when Electro says "going down", try not to go right down to the street with Venom or Electro will be too far away. Use the zip move to grab onto buildings when falling towards the street so you will not fall too far and lose him. Just continue to follow him until the level is over.

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