Special Attack upgrades
Komaki School Battojutso- 1 soul, 1 tech, 1 body- sword drawing tech. sword drawn with max power
Roundhouse kick- 4 tech- move left analog in opposite direction, triangle
Komaki School Reverse Strike- 6 tech- Square x 1-4, left analog in opposite direction, triangle
Komaki School Dodge Attack- 6 tech, 6 body- while dodging press triangle, effecting against charging enemies
Komaki School Ukemi- 7 tech, 7 body- While being knocked back, press x repeatedly- helps avoid falling to the ground
Komaki School Parry- 7 soul, 7 body, 7 tech- press L1 when hit to parry an attack with your arms.
Komaki School Counter Attack- 8 soul, 8 body, 8 tech- time attack with your enemies' to perform a counter attack
Komaki School Ukenagashi- 9 soul, 9 tech, 9 body- Time attack with enemies' press circle