
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum

Duplicate monsters

This trick requires two controllers. First, create a new profile (P2) in campaign mode. Save P2 before you do any battles. Then, exit to the main screen. Select versus mode. Load your main profile (P1) and P2. Go to the Entrance Hall and go to P1's Manage Monster. Go to "Build Unit". Put the monster you want to duplicate or level up into your Capsule Stock. Press Circle(3) and select your battlefield. Before you start the battle, have P1 ante the monster you just put in your Capsule Stock. Start the battle and on P1's first turn, surrender. Then, go back to the Entrance Hall and save P2, but do not save P1. Then, return to title screen. As long as you do not save P1, both profiles will now have the monster. You can repeat this process until one of your profiles has as many of the monster as desired. In about ten minutes, you will get three of the same monsters into one profile, which is useful if you want to get three Harpies or three Blue Eyes White Dragons to fuse together. Also, versus mode is great place to do the fusions, because there is no threat of an enemy attack. Use the next tip to level up your monsters for fusions.

Get the monster you want to level up into P2, as described above. Then, start the campaign. Use the desired monster to take out all but one of your opponent's monsters. Then, use the desired monster to take out your opponent's symbol. By doing this, you can take a level 1 monster to level 4 to 5 by the end of the first area. Against Joey alone, by taking out three of his monsters and his symbol you can get 160 experience points and what is given for the battle experience.

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