Attack On Arteria Cranium: Easy "S" rank
Use the following trick in Attack On Arteria Cranium (Hard difficulty setting; Blade strategy). You may have trouble going against three ACs with no support. Try out this build. It is typical, with most parts obtained through the story by getting "White Glint". You need a total (as of now) 389 FRS Memory Points. This build is very fast. It hits hard, and all you have to do is use hit and run booster techniques.
R Arm Unit: 07-Moonlight
L Arm Unit: 07-Moonlight
R Back Unit/ L Back Unit: ACB-0710 (replaces both the R/L Back Units)
FCS: BLUEEXS (perfect for blading)
Generator: ARGYROS/G (plenty of energy with above tuning)
Main Booster: MB11-LATONA
Back Booster: ARGYROS/B
Side Booster: AB-LAHIRE
Overed Booster: GAN02-NSS-O.CG
Max ARGYROS/G: Energy Output, Energy Capacity, KP Output. Do not worry with load, as you will be fast and extremely agile. You will be nowhere in the caution or overloaded area.
Primal Armor
Scroll across to "Primal Armor" and max all four slots. The remaining points can be supplied to the "Acquisition" if desired, for lock-on speed.
Upon entering the level, boost quickly towards the first target. You can easily boost and attack him with two blades before boosting off. Upon hitting him, boost away as fast as possible to minimize damage. Do not get carried away. With boosting and blading your energy can quickly deplete if you are not careful. Upon boosting ahead you will find yourself against two more ACs. The last (extra one under the Hard difficulty setting) is a bit stupid in the beginning and boosts against the wall. Quickly fly in and blade him. If done correctly you should blade him twice. Again, use hit and run tactics. If you see your energy is getting low, boost to a safe spot quickly, idle, and let it recharge Boost back in, lock in, blade, and boost back. This build can also easily take down the AF-ANSWERER.