Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- Combat victory 10 times (Bronze)
| - Win a total of 10 times in VS player.
- Combat victory 100 times (Silver)
| - Win a total of 100 times in VS player.
- Defeat assist 100 times (Bronze)
| - Perform a total of 100 times the defeat assist in VS player.
- Defeat assist 1000 times (Silver)
| - Perform a total of 1000 times the defeat assist in VS player.
| - Destroy a total of 1000 times the enemy with VS player.
| - Destroy a total of 100 times the enemy in VS player.
- Relay point occupied 1000 times (Silver)
| - Occupy a total of 1000 times the relay point in VS player.
- Relay point occupied 200 times (Bronze)
| - Occupy a total of 200 times the relay point in VS player.
- Sortie 100 times (Bronze)
| - Sortie to a total of 100 times in VS player.
| - Sortie to a total of 1000 times in VS player.
- Sortie 500 times (Silver)
| - Sortie to a total of 500 times in VS player.