Mortal Kombat: Boss Character Babalities
To execute a Babality on a boss character, do the following: Goro/Kintaro:
1) Play at Medium difficulty or higher
2) Lose no matches (individual rounds are ok, but NO continuing!)
3) Perform a Babality on Shang Tsung
4) Do not use the block button at all in the last round of the fight with Goro/Kintaro
5) Babality will automatically activate upon your winning the match Shao Khan
1) Play at Medium difficulty or higher
2) Lose no matches (individual rounds are ok, but NO continuing!)
3) Perform a Babality on ALL characters along the ladder, including Shang Tsung and Goro/Kintaro
4) Do not use the block button at all in the last round of the fight with Shao Khan
5) Babality will automatically activate upon your winning the match