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Namco Game Room bonuses

The following bonuses normally require a Japanese account. However users from other regions can unlock them by first creating a new PSN account with Hong Kong as your location. With your Hong Kong account, download the Namco Museum. Using your account for your real location, install and play the Namco Museum on the XrossMediaBar. Complete the indicated task in the Namco Game Room to unlock the corresponding bonus. Some gifts vary by gender. Males can get a Namco hat, five T-shirts, and a pair of shoes. Females can get five T-shirts, a pair of shorts, or a pair of shoes. Avatars of either gender can get four different arcade cabinets, a Pooka statue, or a Namco chair.

One gift: Eat a Cherry.
One gift: Eat a Strawberry.
One gift: Complete the first level.
One gift: Eat all four ghosts with one power pellet.

Galaga shirt: Complete stage 1.
Arcade machine: Complete stage 2.
Shirt: Get a Dual Fighter.
Shoes: Get your ship captured and destroy it.

Pooka statue: Complete stage 2.
Dig-Dug shirt: Get the carrot in stage 1.
Dig-Dug hat: Get the turnip in stage 2.
Arcade machine: Kill two monsters with the same rock.

Namco shorts: Complete the first area.
Namco stool: Complete the second area.
Xevious shirt: Find the Sol Tower using a bomb (before the flag and after the first water)
Arcade machine: Find the special flag and retrieve it using a bomb (on the first full river).
Four-in-one table top arcade cabinet: Unlock all four prizes in Xevious, Dig-Dug, Galaga, and Pac-Man to reach level 3.

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