
Rock Revolution

Rock Revolution Cheats...

  Rock Revolution Walkthroughs

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All characters

Press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square at the title screen menu.

All venues

Press Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle at the title screen menu.

Bonus characters

Get both albums to "Platinum" rank in each stage of your career by completing all four songs and two challenges. Get a "Platinum" rank on all discs to unlock all characters.

Andre: Get a "Platinum" rank on the third set of albums.
Courtney: Get a "Platinum" rank on the second set of albums.
Jimmy: Get a "Platinum" rank on fifth set of albums.
Madison: Get a "Platinum" rank on fourth set of albums.
Zach: Get a "Platinum" rank on first set of albums.

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