Achievement | How to unlock
- A Land Few Dare To Enter (Bronze)
| - Gain access to Bosco's secret room.
| - Choose every dialog choice with each AI personality.
- Chariots of the Dogs (Gold)
| - Complete Episode 4 - Chariots of the Dogs.
- Indefinite Birthday (Bronze)
| - Get rid of the middle-aged Pedro from his communications post.
- Intelligence Crisis (Bronze)
| - Use each of the wrong personalities of AI in Bluster Blaster.
- No More Birthdays (Silver)
| - Get rid of all three Pedros from the ship.
| - Get Bosco back to his normal paranoid human self.
- Of Death and Eggs (Bronze)
| - Answer and prove the two questions the older Pedro has.
- Recording Artist (Bronze)
| - Get a recording contract for the youngest Pedro.
- Temporal Anomaly Corrected (Silver)
| - Fix Bosco's temporal anomaly problem.
- The Willard Libby Trophy (Bronze)
| - Use the Carbon Dater on every possible character.
- You'll Need This (Bronze)
| - Provide an inventory item for use in Episode 5.