Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
- An Eggspert shooter (Silver)
| - Achieve an accuracy of 95% or more (min 10 shots)
- Are you yolking? (Bronze)
| - Achieve an accuracy of 10% or less (min 10 shots)
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| - Complete all 15 Levels with 3 eggs.
- Eggceptional shooting (Bronze)
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- Eggstraterrestrial (Bronze)
| - Kill an enemy with the Alien Ray Gun.
- Fried or scrambled? (Bronze)
| - Kill an enemy with the Flame Thrower.
- Go to shell Tanks! (Bronze)
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- Scramble the Riot Police! (Bronze)
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- That's all yolks! (Bronze)
| - Kill 50 helicopter enemies.
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- This is getting eggciting (Bronze)
| - Score 1 or more Eggs in Level 1.