

Doom Cheats...

  Doom Walkthroughs

   Bejeweled mini-game...
   Bloodfall: Trophies...
   Demon Deconstruction...
   Dopefish reference...
   Fallout series reference...
   Skyrim reference...
   Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3...
   Terminator reference...
   Various Trophies...

Bejeweled mini-game

There is a computer in the "Lazarus Labs" level that when interacted with will play a Doom style version of Bejeweled. It can be found in the room with the DOOM Guys crypt on the left side.

Bloodfall: Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType

Demon Deconstruction

As you play through the "Lazarus Labs" mission, make your way to the room with the DOOM Guys crypt. Along the left side, you'll find a cabinet you can interact with to obtain the "Time Well Spent" challenge on the mission. The gameplay resembles Bejeweled.

Dopefish reference

The Dopefish can be found as the logo on boxes of ramen noodles from "Dopechan Noodles" found in various areas.

Fallout series reference

At the start the game in the Prologue where you wake up and leave the area he was kept in, look at the bottom of the security door. You can see that a Mixom Manufacturing sticker has partially slid down, revealing that it was covering a Vault-Tec logo.

Skyrim reference

Search near where you first met the Baron of Hell in the Kadingir Sanctum to find a cave with a hidden lever and a skeleton. Notice that the skeleton is wearing a Dovahkiin horned helmet and was shot in the knee with an arrow.

Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3

During the "A Brighter Tomorrow" mission, get near the location where you find the challenge mission artifact. Search behind fallen debris in this area to find a Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 arcade machine. You can hear its retro arcade sounds when you get close to it.

Terminator reference

Jump into lava in the "Foundry" level to sink to your death while giving the thumbs up.

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock

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