Hidden objectives
Mission 1: Destroy the spy ship.
Mission 2: Allow no enemy craft to land on the beach.
Mission 3: Destroy all walking Starfighters in the hanger.
Mission 4: Destoy all Tractor Beam Towers.
Mission 5: Destroy all enemies.
Mission 6: Finish mission in under nine minutes.
Mission 7: Destroy all three Trade Federation Freighters.
Mission 8: Destroy all Landers and Super Freighters.
Mission 9: Prevent all Hex Deployers from escaping.
Mission 10: Lose no friendly Tugs.
Mission 11: Destroy all Trade Federation Landers.
Mission 12: Destroy all Turrets.
Mission 13: Destroy all Bunkers.
Mission 14: All Mere Transports must survive.
Mission 15: All Mere Cruisers must survive.