
Wolfenstein: The New Order Cheats...

  Wolfenstein: The New Order Walkthroughs

   Defeating Kampfhunds...
   Defeating Rocket Troopers...
   Defeating Space Marines...
   Defeating Supersoldaten...
   Defeating the London Monitor...
   Destroying Zeppelins...
   Enigma cheat codes...
   Laser Cutter upgrade...
   Wolfenstein 3D Nightmare Level...

Defeating Kampfhunds

With either the 1946 or 1960 version, kill the Kampfhund before it is alerted by a knife throw or silenced pistol shot.

Defeating Rocket Troopers

Use heavy weapons, such as rockets, against them. One or two shots should destroy them. Under the Uber difficulty setting, use repeating shots from the AR Marksman's automatic plasma rifle.

Defeating Space Marines

Space Marines are vulnerable to Tesla Grenades. You can also hit them with a MG-60 or an AR Marksman to take them down. If you can use stealth to approach them, a knife or headshot from a suppressed Handgun 1960 will also work.

Defeating Supersoldaten

When facing the 1960 version, use energy weapons. Standard bullets will only do minimal damage on its armored parts. Try firing a fully charged LaserKraftwerk and connect all its lasers. You can also use the Assault Rifle in dual-wield mode with its under-slung rocket launchers to do significant damage. Fire the Mount Machine Gun if you need to save ammunition for other weapons. Charge up again when its energy gets low and repeat.

Defeating the London Monitor

Start by attacking its eye, then both the eye and the missile launchers. After all the missile launchers are destroyed, the area underneath its red spot will open. Go under the London Monitor and shoot up into its engine. Continue to shoot both its eye and engine until it has been defeated.

Destroying Zeppelins

Use the following strategy when facing the two Zeppelins in the last level. There are two Flak cannons mounted on the sides of the upper levels of the back. Use them to hit the cylinder tube on the bottom. One cannon cannot be used to destroy both tubes because of its limited firing radius. After they are destroyed, Deathshead cannot use his shield.

Enigma cheat codes

You must first collect all the pieces for each code.

999 mode
Uber difficulty, 999 health, unlimited ammunition.
1: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
8: 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 09

Hardcore mode
Uber diffculty, all health and armor drops disabled.
3: 06 09 03 06 09 03 06 09
6: 03 09 06 03 09 06 03 09

Ironman mode
Uber difficulty, one life.
4: 08 03 07 02 06 01 05 09
5: 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09

Walk In The Park mode
I Am Death Incarnate difficulty, HUD disabled.
2: 04 06 08 01 03 05 07 09
7: 05 03 01 08 06 04 02 09

Laser Cutter upgrade

After finding the Laser Cutter in Chapter 4, you can upgrade it into a Laser Pistol. Later in Chapter 4, you will get on the catwalks above a coal-moving vehicle below. Go down the steps to the left to collect the item that resembles the battery originally collected to charge the cutter.

Wolfenstein 3D Nightmare Level

At the Resistance secret base in Chapter 4 meet Anya. Then after the helicopter theft go to the top floor and search for a room which has an old mattress on the floor next to the window. Focus on the mattress to bring up the option to enter a 'Nightmare'. Enter the 'Nightmare' to find yourself in the very first level of Wolfenstein 3D.

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