
Remove live and overdrive bars

Hold L + R during a winning pose.

More Options
At the "Press Start" screen, press A, X, Y, Z, C, B. At the next screen go to OPTIONS, then hold R and press A. The new options screen will appear.

Play as Repli and Wolf
At the "Press Start" screen press A, B, Z, X, Y, C. A tone will sound if you did it correctly.

Play as Sho and Vermillion
Enable the "Play as Repli and Wolf" code and wait for the tone. Now press A, Z, C, X, B, Y. A second tone will indicate success.

Secret Move
For a secret move, enter the two codes above, then press A, Y, C, X, B, Z. You can now do a secret move by pressing C + Z while playing.

URA Mode
When START is flashing on the title screen, press A, B, C, C, C, X, Y, Z, Z, Z. A chime will sound. Now press START, highlight 1P Game, then hold R+Y and press START.

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