Bonus hidden items in your inventory
At any time in the game where you have at least 16 items you can do this. You need to transfer enough items into your 'bag' in your inventory so that when you scroll to the bottom of your 'bag' and exit your bag there will be no items in your main inventory on the screen. This can be accomplished early in the game by picking up items until you have at least 16 and moving them all into your 'bag'. Scroll to the bottom of your 'bag' and exit the 'bag'. You should be on an inventory screen with no items, including your 'bag'. You will notice scroll arrows saying you can scroll up or down. If you scroll down far enough you will find random hidden items. It is possible to 'move' these items all the way back up to next to your bag. Using this you can get many of the late game weapons and armor right at the beginning of the game.