
ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails

Cheat Passwords

Having a bit of trouble getting some stuff? Well,look here. Here's some codes you'll want.

All ACCESS-Unlock everything except the Fury bike.
BILLBOARDS-Unlock all music videos.
DUBS-Unlock all tires.
DUDS-Unlock all rider gear.
N0GAME-Unlock all events.
SMOG TEST-Unlock all exausts.
TO LAZY-Unlock all ATVs except the G-Ride or Fury bike.
TRICK IT OUT-Unlock all bike parts.
$MONEYBAGS$-Earn 1,500 credits.
+THREE-Unlock Ravage Talon ATVs

To access these codes,just select Options. Then,go to Player Profile. Finally,enter any of the above codes. Please note the lowercase letters in the 1st code,and the number zero in the 5th code.

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