Capcom Puzzle World Cheats...

Expert Mode for Buster Buddies
Hold down both the L & R buttons while starting the normal mode for 'Expert Mode'.
Play as Akuma
Highlight Hsien-Ko on the player select screen and press Down on the thumb pad.
Play as Anita
Hold L & R and choose Donovan.
Play as Dan
Highlight Donovan on the player select screen and press Down on the thumb pad.
Play as Devilot
Highlight Morrigan on the player select screen and press Down on the thumb pad.
Play as Hsien-Ko's Talisman/Sister's spirit
Hold L & R and choose Hsien-Ko.
Play as Morrigan as a bat
Hold L & R and choose Morrigan.
Super Buster Bros. Level Select - Tour Mode
At "SELECT GAME" screen highlight "Tour Mode". Press and hold down on d-pad and press the X button. You can then select any stage.