
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars Cheats...

  Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars Walkthroughs

   Crazy Blur...
   Crazy Interview...
   Crazy Pickup...
   Crazy Taxi 2: Expert mode...
   Crazy Taxi 2: No arrows...
   Crazy Taxi 2: No destination m...
   Crazy Taxi: Another Day mode...
   Crazy Taxi: Drive the taxi bik...
   Crazy Taxi: Expert mode...
   Crazy Taxi: No arrows...
   Crazy Taxi: No destination mar...
   Custom soundtrack...

Crazy Blur

Earn a Class C or better license in Crazy Taxi or Crazy Taxi 2.

Crazy Interview

Watch an interview with the producer of the original crazy taxi game. To unlock, complete to final mini game in either Crazy Taxi - Crazy Box or Crazy Taxi 2 - Crazy Pyramid.

Crazy Pickup

Earn a Class S License or better on any map in any time mode of Crazy Taxi 1 or Crazy Taxi 2.

Crazy Taxi 2: Expert mode

Hold Triangle + Start while selecting a character.

Crazy Taxi 2: No arrows

Hold Start while selecting a character.

Crazy Taxi 2: No destination marks

Hold Triangle while selecting your character.

Crazy Taxi: Another Day mode

Press R, then hold R while selecting a character. Another Day mode allows you to have new fare locations.

Crazy Taxi: Drive the taxi bike

Quickly press L + R, L + R, L + R at the character selection screen.

Crazy Taxi: Expert mode

Press and hold L + R + Start while the character selection screen is loading.

Crazy Taxi: No arrows

Hold R + Start while the character selection screen loads.

Crazy Taxi: No destination marks

Hold L + Start while the character selection screen loads.

Custom soundtrack

Place .MP3 files into a folder named "MUSIC" in the root directory of your memory stick. The "Custom Soundtrack" option should now become available.

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