Easy experience
Once Cave of Ordeal has been opened, there are two stages that are "leveling stages"; Cave of Ordeal 3 and Demonhall Mirror. Attacks that do a 3x3 moveable grid (3x3 specials that can be moved, such as Tera Star's square formation) or a 3x3 attack in front of the user (Winged slayer, Astral Dance) should be learned. Make sure that your ATK stat is enough to where you can defeat them in one hit, or have enough DEF stat where the enemy does 0 to 10 DMG. Walk up to the enemies, align them with your 3x3 special, and execute it. Once you get to the point where they die in one hit, just repeat this over and over. For even more experience, pass the "Stronger Enemies" bill, but make sure they are not strong enough to kill you. When you do this frequently, you will also gain a large amount of mana.