
DJ Max Portable: Black Square Cheats...

  DJ Max Portable: Black Square Walkthroughs

   4B song styles...
   6B song styles...

4B song styles

In your collection, some of the songs have HD or MX or RD style for 4B. However, you will need to play that song on Normal if you want to get it. For most MX and RD songs, it is unlocked through playcount.

Song styleHow to unlock

6B song styles

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding song style for 6B.

Song styleHow to unlock


These gears have no effects, but they provide a special look. Some have wide-span, while others are just for appearance. There are 6 Gears to unlock in order to complete your savefile.

GearHow to unlock


In your collection, there are 3 movies locked in the beginning. The opening and the ending are repeats, but the second is a special, a Live DJ Max Concert.

MovieHow to unlock


In Black Square, you are given a choice of six notes, three are flat and three are round. There are no bonuses like they were in DJMP2, so choose your preferred shape.

NoteHow to unlock


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding song.

SongHow to unlock

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