B.O.B. Level Passwords
Enter the number password to unlock the following levels:
Password - Effect
672451 - Anciena 1
272578 - Anciena 2
652074 - Anciena 3
265648 - Anciena 4
462893 - Anciena 5
583172 - Anciena 6
743690 - Anciena 7
171058 - Goth 2
950745 - Goth 3
472149 - Goth 4
743690 - Ultraworld 1
103928 - Ultraworld 2
144895 - Ultraworld 3
775092 - Ultraworld 4
481376 - Ultraworld 5
Note: Change the second number in any password to 9 for several remotes and other bonuses.
Desert Strike 10 Lives instead of 3
At the Desert Strike main menu press square to access the password screen and enter the following:
Password - Effect
BQQQAEZ - 10 Lives instead of 3
Passwords for Jungle Strike
When at the main menu press square to get to the password screen and enter the following:
Password - Effect
7LSPFBVWTWP - Start with 23 lives in Mountains
X4MFB4MHPH4 - Start with 23 lives in Night Strike
V6HGY39XVXL - Start with 23 lives in Puloso City
N4MK9N6MHM7 - Start with 23 lives in Return Home
TGB76MGCZCC - Start with 23 lives in River Raid
9NHDXMGCZCG - Start with 23 lives in Training Ground
BXYTNMGCYDB - Start with 23 lives in Washington D.C.
Wing Commander Invincibility and stage select
At the play select screen for Wing Commander press the following: X, O, X, Square, X, Square, Left Bumper, O, Right Bumper, 0 Start.