Effect | How to unlock
| - Has to be the 2nd Military Ranking or higher and Complete Lightning in the Wilderness mission
| - Achieve an S rank in Light from the Universe mission
| - Use Gundam G 10x or more or get S rank in Fate on the Atlantic Ocean mission
| - Complete Twilight Islands or Belfast in the Rain
| - Complete Tragedy in Jaburo
| - Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
| - Use GM [WD] and GM Sniper II 5x each
| - Complete Twilight Islands or Belfast in the Rain
| - Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
| - Has to be the 3rd Military Ranking or higher and Complete Lightning in the Wilderness mission
- Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 3
| - Use GM Blue Destiny 10x, or achieve an S rank in The Judge mission
| - Achieve the S rank in mission, The Last Resort
| - Complete Lightning in the Wilderness
| - Use Gundam 10x and complete Tragedy in Jaburo
| - Achieve the A rank in mission, The Last Resort
| - Complete all missions from 0079 EFSF
| - Complete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
| - Achieve an S rank in The New-Types's Threat mission
| - Achieve an S rank in Tragedy in Jaburo, or use Gundam and Guncannon 10x each