
Hammerin' Hero


Search the following locations to find the corresponding ingredient.

Row 1
Potato: Streets, Oishii, Beach
Shiitake: Oishii, Beach, HQ
Ginger: Oishii, Hospital
Daikon: Amusement Park, Oishii
Green Onion: Oishii, Hospital
Onion: Amusement Park, Oishii, Studio

Row 2
Eggplant: Oishii, Hospital
Carrot: Amusement Park, Oishii
Garlic: Oishii, Hospital, Stage
Apple: Oishii, HQ, Space
Lemon: Amusement Park, Oishii, Hospital
Renkon: Oishii, Bay, Stage

Row 3
Umeboshi: Oishii, Hospital
Eel: Oishii, Bay
Shrimp: Oishii, Bay
Fatty Tuna: Bay.
Salmon: Beranme, Oishii, Bay
Mackerel: Oishii, Bay

Row 4
Tuna: Oishii, Bay, HQ
Beef: Oishii, Beach, Space
Pork: Streets, Studio, Beach
Chicken: Streets, Oishii
Wagyu Beef: HQ
Ground Beef: Oishii, Studio, Stadium

Row 5
Duck: HQ
Rice: Beranme, Streets, Oishii, Hospital
Flour: Streets, Stadium
Bread: Amusement Park, Oishii, Studio
Ketchup: Oishii, Studio, Stadium
Vinegar: Beranme, Oishii, Beach

Row 6
Nori: Beranme, Oishii, Bay, Beach
Kombu: Beranme, Bay
Squid Ink: Oishii, Stadium, Beach
Egg: Beranme, Oishii, Studio
Silkie Egg: HQ
Secret Sauce: Stage

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