
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Gargoyles and passage to seventh floor

Find all Five Talking Gargoyles: When you start recruiting DA members go to the courtyard and find a member. He will tell you his homework so he can finish it before the DA meeting.

The locations of the talking Gargoyles are:

1. On a small pillar by Umbridge's class.
2. On an upper walkway found on the way to the hospital wing.
3. Outside the Viaduct entrance.
4. In the transfiguration room.
5. It in the paved courtyard on the upper steps.

Find Passage to Seventh Floor: To find a Hufflepuff DA member, look on the grand staircase. She will ask you if there is a passage to the seventh floor. To find the passage go to the bottom of the Grand staircase. If you look, there is a boy standing there, go to his left and then walk up the stairs. Talk to the portrait, then go back to the DA member.

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