
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Walkthroughs...

  Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Walkthroughs

   Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kin...

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Cheats...

  Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings Walkthroughs

   Bottomless Pit time trial leve...
   Concept art...
   Concept Arts...
   Harem time trial level...
   Movie trailers...
   Treasure Room time trial level...

Bottomless Pit time trial level

Complete all levels under the Archaeologist difficulty setting.

Concept art

Collect the indicated number of artifacts to unlock the corresponding concept art.

Allies: 12 Artifacts.
Co-op Levels(Wii Only): 8 Artifacts.
Cutting Room Floor: 36 Artifacts.
Enemies: 22 Artifacts.
Extras: 20 Artifacts.
Istanbul: 28 Artifacts.
Nepal: 26 Artifacts.
Odin And Seabed: 32 Artifacts.
Panama: 18 Artifacts.
San Francisco: 14 Artifacts.
Sudan: 2 Artifacts.

Concept Arts

The following pieces of art can be unlocked by collecting artifacts.

UnlockableHow to unlock

Harem time trial level

Complete all levels under the Adventurer difficulty setting.

Movie trailers

Collect the indicated number of artifacts to unlock the corresponding movie trailer.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark: 3 Artifacts.
Temple of Doom: 10 Artifacts.
The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull: 30 Artifacts.
The Last Crusade: 24 Artifacts.


Collect the indicated number of artifacts to unlock the corresponding skin.

Big Heads: 6 Artifacts.
Han Solo (Wii Only): 36 Artifacts.
Henry Jones: 34 Artifacts.
Tuxedo Indy: 16 Artifacts.

Treasure Room time trial level

Complete all levels under Grad Student difficulty setting.

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