Get a complete victory with the indicated faction to unlock the corresponding new faction and faction leader. Note: For a complete victory you must conquer the home territory of every enemy faction in all scenarios in that particular faction's campaign.
A.E.U.G. (Quattro): Win as A.E.U.G. (Blex)
Axis Zeon (Glemy): Win as Axis Zeon (Haman)
Delaz Fleet (Delaz): Win as E.F.S.F. (Revil)
Neo Zeon: Win as E.F.S.F. (Revil), Zeon (Giren), Titans (Jamitov), A.E.U.G. (Blex), and Axis Zeon (Haman)
Neo Zeon (Char): Win as E.F.S.F. (Revil)
Titans (Scirocco): Win as Titans (Jamitov)
Zeon (Garma): Win as Zeon (Giren)
Zeon (Kycillia): Win as Zeon (Giren)