
Characters and classes

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character or class.

Asagi: Unlock Asagi's map with 33 Felonies, 100 Mana, then defeat her and pass her bill as a Senator in a New Game+.
Asagi (humanoid): Raise Asagi's level to 2,000 and pass her bill as a senator.
Celestial Host: Complete Akutare mode 3-3.
Disgaea Ronin: Have a saved game file from Disgaea: Afternoon Of Darkness or Makai Senki Disgaea Portable (as appropriate to the corresponding sequel).
Entei Monster Class: Complete Akutare Mode 2-3 .
Flonne: Unlock Extra Stage 8 with 40 hours of game time. During Episodes 12-13, defeat Flonne.
Gordon: Unlock Extra Stage 4, and pass Gordon's bill after completing it.
Laharl: Unlock Flonne, then pass Flonne's bill as a Senator and complete Extra Stage 9.
Mao: Unlock Mao's stage after unlocking Mr. Champloo and Raspberyl.
Marjoly: Unlock Extra Stage 7 with 99 Felones, 1,500 Mana. Defeat Marjoly then pass her bill.
Mass Produced Kurtis: Complete Extra Stage 4.
Mr. Champloo: Unlock Mr. Champloo's stage with 50 hours game time and completing Akutare mode.
Preire: Unlock Extra Stage 6 with 66 Felonies, 100 Mana. Defeat Priere during Episode 1-9 then pass her bill.
Raspberyl: Unlock Raspberyl's stage after completing thirty Dark Sun stages and unlocking Mr. Champloo.
Sabre Kitties: Complete Akutare mode 1-2
Vyers (Mid Boss): Unlock Extra Stage 5 with 20 hours of game time and 400 Mana. In Episode 1-9 and complete Vyers' stage. Get the stage again during the next playthrough and pass his bill.
Zetta: Unlock Extra Stage 11 with ten Dark Sun stages completed and 3,000 Mana. Complete the map then pass Zetta's bill.

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